Sunday, January 22, 2012

Who's Gonna Love You...Now That No One...Can Penetrate Yooooouuuh-uuu!?

Guhff. I got nothing in my stomach except 3 talls of the beast.
So here's another. Second post in... an hour? I think?

How 'bout some rockin' rollin' ass-shakin' tunes?


At least until Mediafire gets shut-the-fuck down like Megaupload in the vise-grip choke hold of good ol' Government regulation.

But for now...


Get Drunk.

I have very fond memories of Myself and Brett AKA Grimmdale, when we lived together, being shitty on Old Crow and driving to the nearest Wal-Mart (which was a good 30 minutes away.) blasting this album on the ride at 3 in the morning.

Shake Yer Ass.

Second album. A few songs are passable, but there are a couple that give me chills.

Choice Tracks:
Histories Stranglers
Mouth Money
Three Dead Sisters


I saw These dudes last night. Ride To Ruin.
I live in the same fucking city as they do, and I don't know how I have not heard them until now.
They just about blew my nuts off live.

I must say, live sound quality is WAAAYYY better than recording. There's a deepness to the two guitars that doesn't translate very well onto record.



You Decide.

(I paid cover charge and bought a patch and CD from these dudes. I spent food-money on this shit, you should too if you get the chance. They deserve it.)

The Moving Pictures...

Unfortunately, this is NOT about a Rush tribute band.


Got my hands on a Criterion copy of Haxan: Witchcraft Through The Ages

Also snagged a copy of Dark Waters.

...A few things I watched this past week.

Most previews and synopsis I have read for this documentary do not do it justice. (Hah.)
I begins by shedding light on the "frivolous lawsuit" epidemic in the 90's and the media spin/misinformation surrounding them.

About one third of the way through it shifts focus onto the corruption/corrosion of the judiciary system. Some pretty tip-of-the-iceberg shit, but interesting stuff.

An Unreasonable Man

Dr. Brazil told me about a section from this movie where Nader gets shut out from attending a presidential debate as an audience members.

The movie is totally worthwhile. Learn about how much this dude has done, and been shit-on nonstop for most, if not all of it.


Hooooollleeeeeyyy Shit. This woman was/is fucking nuts.


What a miserable heap this was. I'm not quite sure why I subjected myself this brain-rape bullshit excuse for a "comedy."

Maybe it's because I still hold out a little hope for the Farrelly Brothers who have made some pretty great shit.


...Or maybe it's because I have a soft spot for Jason Sudeikis...

I dunno man...

Where was I? Oh yeah. Fuck Hall Pass I what I was saying.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What's That? You could seriously get KILLED for playing this shit? And you did it anyway?...uh huh...

Thanks to my lady-friend having a giant lady-boner for all things Eastern-european, (Way to go to college for "anthropoly", or what-ever.) she's turned me onto some pretty rad shit from that pocket of the world; music, film, etc.

A little over a year ago she (the lady), in one of her first attempts to interact with me, handed me a mix CD and said "I think you'd be into this."

On the mix was various artists celebrating one band, with original tracks from said band thrown in to make it about 50/50. Half covers, half original... anyway...

Bottom line is, that band was PATARENI. One of the first "grind" bands according to some people. Starting in (roughly) '83, and still going from what I understand. These dudes began tearing ass in what used to be Yugoslavia, and is now Croatia. Before the Iron Curtain fell, what they were doing was truly balls-y. Not only musically but politically, considering the time and place.

Ranging from straight punk to some pretty weirdo shit, I'd highly suggest checking out all of what they've done. For right now, what I'm putting up is a few from 89-91. (I think.)

Also, there's a good deal of side projects from the members. I haven't looked into any. Just so you know.

Deadland Massacre.

Patareni's contribution.

Atta's songs.

I split this up, but be sure to give Atta a listen. It's pretty no-brain noise-nonsense, but opening with "Yes it's true. I raped Jesus. I raped raped that greedy little bastard. Etc." is something EVERYONE should hear.

Odavde nas niko nemre sterat.

Ukor Pred Iskljucenje.

Have fun.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Just Because I Can, I Want To & I Have Time To Kill.

Trust Me, I'm A Professional.

I'm on a sudden kick of weird shit.

Get Some.


Suzy Banyon decided to perfect her ballet studies in the most famous school of dance in Europe. She chose the celebrated academy of Freiburg. One day, at nine in the morning, she left Kennedy airport, New York, and arrived in Germany at 10:40 p.m. local time.


I know, Feck. Women are evil, you had to kill her.


Japanese Softcore/exploitation actress singing (but mostly moaning) to some nice background music.


I have NO idea why, but last night at about 3 in the morning, while sitting drunk at the computer, THIS comes to mind.

COMPLETELY out of nowhere.

I remember being into it about a decade ago.

Turns out, I still like it.

So....fuck you.

Make yourself a gin-based mix drink & shake yer ass around.

Side note. These links aren't from my own mediafire-shits. If something goes wrong, I am not to blame. Just hit me up and I'll re-up it.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Down The Lane(gan)

My adoration for Mark Lanegan has roots firmly planted in an approximately 10 year child version of myself stealing/borrowing The Screaming Trees' "Sweet Oblivion" from my brother and playing the fuck out of the album and soaking it into my earholes like it was the last time I was ever going to hear it.

Many years passed, I grew into a snot-nosed adolescent, got into bad metal...then bad punk...and I didn't really give that stupendous album a second thought. Though, midway through my highschool career, Czar Nicholas over at Little Things tossed "Methamphetamine Blues" by the Tree man himself, Mark Lanegan, onto one of the first (of many) mixes he made for me.

Rekindling my love for such a stupendous voice, I've been hooked on practically all things Lanegan since.

Here's a comp I tossed together of some of my favorite stuff. Trees, solo, collaborations...

Grab a full pack o' smokes, a cheap bottle of whiskey, light one, knock back a few slugs, and listen.

By the end, you may have an itch on the roof of your mouth that needs to be scratched with a bullet.

Down The Lane(gan)

Also...I collected a bunch of minor collaborations, b-sides, and one offs from various comps.
You may need to sort the shit out for yourself (order-wise), but it's a decent amount. You're welcome.

Odds and Ends.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Two Words

Sam Fucking Cooke.

Round about 5 in the morning on Sunday, with all the drunken eloquence I could muster, I tried my hardest to explain to Doctor Brazil the plethora of reasons as to why Sam Cooke rules. Mostly what came out was "...died real young...naked...shot by hotel lady...only one shoe! Naked man, naked...CUPID." Then some stuff about Bobby Darin was tossed in, which I'm sure I'll get to at a later date.


